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Re: Topic Tuesday // What it's really like to live with schizophrenia // Tues 22 May, 7pm AEDT

Thanku everyone . Tonight has been helpful. Really appreciate your time

Re: Topic Tuesday // What it's really like to live with schizophrenia // Tues 22 May, 7pm AEDT


yes and no. when i was withdrawn it was hard to let people into my inner world but i passed the friends 101 test because i manged to keep my friends and not push then away. even though my voices want to destroy my friendships i have to resist them. so it is hard to keep it all going but i know how supportive my friends are even with their tough love. .

Re: Topic Tuesday // What it's really like to live with schizophrenia // Tues 22 May, 7pm AEDT

Well it looks like its that time of the night to wrap up. Thank you for that insight @Sandy1 and for all your insight tonight it's been so appreciated.

Big thanks to everyone that joined us for this discussion tonight, it's not always easy to reach out or share your experiences so its really great to have had you all do so tonight! 

There is an interesting blog post on the SANE blog around things people get wrong about schizophrenia here for later reading if you are interested Smiley Happy

Hope everyone has a lovely night!

Re: Topic Tuesday // What it's really like to live with schizophrenia // Tues 22 May, 7pm AEDT



thanks everyone. it's been great to be part of this discussion. sorry about the typos. it was a learning experience for me. maybe see you all again sometime online!! and good luck with everything. I applaud your courage and strength.