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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

I love your roses bloom @Jacques Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Is that a "just Joey" rose @Jacques

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Thank you @Shaz51 I hope you are well my friend. Yes it is a little joy to me to see my plants rewarding me with natural beauty.


Umm @Former-Member, I'm really not sure, my aunt gave it to me as a cutting out of her garden, and she has had it for years. 


It is a beautiful rose though, I'm waiting for my red ones to come out, which should be in the next few weeks


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Jacques

Checking in ..

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, are you ok , missing you tonight Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member and @Shaz51,


sorry to worry you, i have come down with the flu and am really unwell, i have been ill for about 3 weeks now and im so tired of it. 


been sleeping a lot and not doing much. just so out of it.


hugs my dear friends. i hope to be better soon and join in on friday feasts again

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hope you feel better soon @Jacques HeartHeart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

How is that manflu going @Jacques

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Former-Member


sorry for not responding sooner, the manflu is not going well, it keeps comming back, my lungs and immune system are so weak they can't fight it off, im sleeping a lot and am always tired. gosh for a 37 year old i have less energy than a 90 year old. 


just going through the motions, nothing more.


thank you for thinking of me my friend, i will try to join in on friday feast tonight


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

soo good to see you  tonight my @Jacques xoxo