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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, how are you today 

are you ok ? did you say you had a leak xx

@Former-Member, @outlander@MDT 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi my beautiful friend @Shaz51 im so happy you had a good time tonight and today. 


im doing ok, i had a bit of a rough night, lots of panic attacks. 


yes, the roof is leaking but it didn't rain much so the leak was not too bad. 


hugs my friend, i hope mr shaz is ok too 🙂

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Thinking of you @Jacques 💚

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi my beautiful friend @outlander , hugs


how are you going, i miss you too. i miss all my forum friends here


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hello @Jacques im sorry i havent kept up much with you lately. i have been so busy especially with all my medical tests to find out whats wrong with me ive barely been online.

ive missed you and have been wondering how your going
have you been ok besides the leak?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hello my @Jacques 

lots of changes this week and mr shaz does not like changes 

trying hard to make it smoothly going but his anxiety is still high xx

hello @outlander Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

i understand @Shaz51 i have big problems with change too. i really struggle with it


yes, life can really be busy these days. i hope your medical tests have gone ok and you are on the mend. 


yes, things are going good, i have been doing a lot of house renovations i built a carport and am about to install a rain water tank. 


i have been supporting my partner and her two beautiful daughters. they are my hole world. i love them all so so much. and i have been looking after my mum, she is ok just age related issues. 



Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

that sounds good my awesome @Jacques Heart

we will all have ups and downs

yes my mum's leg wounds are all healed which is good 

i see the kidney specialist again in september 

how is your partner's daughter going now , hope she is ok 


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hey @Jacques
so sorry i missed your last post. just wanted to stop in and send some love and hugs to you Heart
have abit of a concusison so struggling with words. dont tell dr im on here-shhhh not suppose to be but wanted to stop in anyway 😉

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @outlander my beautiful friend. thank you so so much, sending you lots of love and hugs too. sounds like you are really unwell, please be gentle with ourself and listen to you doctors advice. your such a strong and amazing person, you will be ok. 


lots of hugs