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Homework from the psych

Hi everyone, 

Quick background, I have anxiety, depression, CPTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) due to an abusive childhood starting from when I was three, part of my DID is my alters and I have three distinct alters at least but I am only aware of these three. They are all children which is why it is believed that I could have more.


Anyway some of you may have talked to one of them who is identified Pink Dragon on here.


Anyway my psych gave me homework except it wasn't exactly for me but for them. I am not co-conscious with any of them and while I do have help to get them to do the task I believe one maybe reluctant to share as I was told to get them each a note book or diary so I can learn more about about how they think and feel emotionally.



For those wondering integration is something I have thought about but I don't feel is possible at this point

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Re: Homework from the psych

Hi @Former-Member

Thanks for sharing. Your homework sounds really interesting, and it's a great way to learn more about your alters. How did you go with it?

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Re: Homework from the psych

Hi @Former-Member,

It is a good tool to use but at the same time it's hard especially when I get flashbacks to memories that aren't 'mine' and then some of the stuff that 2 of them have written fill in the holes of those flashbacks and it's like how could something like that happen and I not remember it even if I was switched. 

At least the youngest one is simple she draws clouds. Dark ones when she is angry, raining clouds when she is sad and fluffy shaped ones when she is happy.

Another thing that I found out is while I am not co-conscious with them they are with me. Not all the time but it is weird.

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Re: Homework from the psych

It sounds like quite a revealing process @Former-Member  It would have been particularly interesting to learn that your alters are co-conscious with you too. I hope the process continues to shed light on things going forward 🐼

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Re: Homework from the psych

@Former-Member, it is I suppose but it is also difficult as particularly the older one who can be destructive has said some written some stuff that I guess I have always known but tried to ignore 

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Re: Homework from the psych

It's a really daunting and challenging process @Former-Member and I imagine it makes it a whole lot more difficult to avoid the places that are hard to go. Takes a lot of courage to confront those experiences and so important to have your psych on your side to guide you through.

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Re: Homework from the psych

@Former-Member, not looking forward to my next session because I know my psych will want to start with her and what she has written and will want to know what stops me from replying to her when I can do it for the others so easily

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Re: Homework from the psych

It's difficult to explore those scary parts in therapy. I reckon your psych will be really mindful of that and it's ok to let them know it feels scary for you too. I hope it all goes ok for you and you've got some self care planned for after your next session 🌻

Re: Homework from the psych


come and say hello to @Former-Member 

Re: Homework from the psych

Hi. @Former-Member i hope yo u r therapy is going well.

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