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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yes make them run around 😂  I just have to keep eyes on them as the littlest is the one who runs off I can tell you I am not running with a  pram 😂  nobody wants to see that  

I might go to the park tomorrow and maybe the animal farm they love animals @tyme   in my entire life I didn't know kids eat a lot I mean a lot 🤣 


How are you @tyme   it's nice to meet you too 😊

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Kids snack ALL day @Sunnyside226 . Then when you make a delicious healthy meal, they’ll tell you they are full.


Do you have a second seat on the pram? Strap him on there and don’t remove the buckle until you are in a secured, gated park? 

Whatever it is, if you have a few months with them, pace yourself or you will have done everything by next week lol. Go to the park one day, shops one day, library one day, farm one day…. Another thing that’s cheap but a bit germs and loud, are playcentres. Kids love them if you can stand them.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I laughed so hard at that first conversation 🤣 because that what happen tonight  and now he wants a ice cream I said no  I got called names 😂 


There is a seat on the pram for him  it's a struggle to get him in  


I never thought to take them to the library  that's a good idea @tyme   


I do have one question @tyme  


I really hope you still want to talk this is really helpful and really helping 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Ask away as long as it aligns with guidelines around safety, respect and anonymity @Sunnyside226 


Libraries are great. Look on your local library website to see what kids sessions they have. They may have duplo sessions, toddler story time, toy library, craft sessions, movie  sessions. We have all that at out local library. We also have reptile shows, magic shows, forensic science FBI sessions, and animal farms come in to the library. It pretty cool. I love my local libraries. During movie sessions, kids get water and popcorn too. Best thing, all this is free of charge.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Wow that's a cool library I had a look the kids session is on Friday it's a reading thing  I will let you know on Friday if you're around


Should I just email what I was going to say? @tyme  I don't really know  


I am panicking and stressed  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Feel free to email us if you are not sure. We are happy to guide you @Sunnyside226

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Thank you @tyme  I will soon ☺️ 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I just send the email @tyme ☺️ 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I sent you one now @tyme  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I am getting very anxious about the hospital  my anxiety is bad and I have no one to talk  

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