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Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Hi all,

i like to share my experience too.
Now i feel good with medication .
i have OCD which is forcing me to keep looking at private parts of others.the first thing we should know is OCD is an anxiety disorder .The compulsive thoughts are occurring due to our anxiety.for example ...if we stand before a women and thought ...what will happen if i keep look into that women's face or any other parts...when this thought of anxiety occurs ...the compulsive thought will come after that moment to keep look into that women's body parts.So i realised that its occurring due to anxiety i treated my anxiety prescribed me the tablets for anxiety which is very low in dose (just 5mg) ...when i started to take that medicine ...i got good sleep in the had panic attacks, repetative thoughts and mild social anxiety ...its all gone now...So what i want to tell is we have the solution in our mind ...we should believe that we can overcome OCD...all problems are starting from our negative thoughts... Once i started to take that medicine i got guts to face the problems and i started to thought positive in every the solution for our problem is in our mind ...fear..anxiety...its all coming from our negtive thoughts...if we thing "OCD is a problem in our brain we should take medicine to cure that problem"...that won't work ...especially in our type OCD ...for example...if we are facing a women in front of us we should thout that "nothing will happen by looking at a women,i can do to not keep looking at her face or private parts"...for creating that thought we should overcome our anxiety first by taking medication.. Once the anxiety gone ,80% of the problem will be solved.the lifting of OCD may feel very hard by taking medicine at some moments..but its very common to happen before your OCD is my advise is
1.overcome your anxiety with or with out medication.
2.just take the medication and face your fearful sutiation repeatedly until your anxiety is lifted.
3.choose the ssri which gives no side effects (such as lack of sleep).take it only from low dose (50 mg).
4.Do not fight with the obsessive thoughts of ocd you have it will worse your condition...fight with the anxiety you have ...just learn to relax the mind. just thought" nothing will happen wrong".
You people may think that its easy to say but hard to do it but i will say its just your negative thought its not true all people with ocd can do overcome their anxiety but they are stucked by their thought of anxiety.we should overcome the thought of anxiety at first.Ocd is also called as doubting decease you will doubt evry time..its natural that you're doubting your cure from ocd.if you thought you can't its not true just neglect that thought ,actually you can overcome your ocd by overcoming your anxiety and medication.

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Thanks Jack
Appreciate the email .
We also have to remember that no person is the same as another .
Many OCD people tend to have co existing issues , ( often ADHD and TS )
Cognitive therapies don't seem to help my situation . I'm on 3 different Meds that seem to work well together ( sri , stimulant and anti anxiety ) . I'm 44 years old , enjoy life and try not to aggravate the OCD by actually avoiding unnecessarily stressful situations where I can .
Everyone's brain makeup is different. But I think it's very important to tackle the OCD and try to minimise it's severity at a young age before it grabs a hold .
Good luck mate

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Thanks Rejee for sharing your journey.

Thanks Tyler for your feedback. Agree with it.

Let us continue talking and helping each other.

On a separate note, apart from the books that I mentioned in the previous post, I also find there are 2 persons who have posted series of youtube videos on how to tackle OCD - what they say, corrobate what I have read in the books.

Link to one of their videos are -

And there is this specific video which I keep going back to - it is good.

Good luck to all.

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Hi all,
Happy to say that things are getting better day by day.
The main thing to remember to get cure from OCD is to know that we should not fight with the obsessive thoughts of OCD .
When the obsessive thought occurs to keep look into others body parts....if you try to fight with OCD the situation will be get worsened... some may ignore and walk away from the situation to avoid the stress...some may close their eyes to pass the worse situation.... Some may try to cover their face with their hands to hide their own eye movements....but the good thing you really want to do is just face that situation which the OCD compels you to do...its the only way to cure from this type of OCD...if you fighted against your obsessive thoughts OCD will be increased... just take the medicine for the anxiety and face your situations that you afraid... if you did not face the situations the next time your anxiety will be doubled and OCD also will be doubled....if you keep look into someone's body parts just free the eyes to do that and try to keep your mind to focus somewhere else...if you repeat this at every situation Your this type OCD will be cured my advice is face your fearful situations with or without medication for your anxiety until your anxiety is lifted...if you done this successfully and your anxiety is reduced the next time your thought of anxiety will not occur ...similarly the OCD will not ooccur....we should know that OCD is anxiety disorder... if our anxiety is gone OCD will not occur... We have the solution in our mind to cure our OCD...just believe in your will power.

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Thanks Jack

Appreciate the information very much.


Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Hi Rejee

I think in many situations the OCD brings on the anxiety symptoms themselves.

Overy the years I have tried to trick my thinking processes in different ways.(with varying degrees of success.) But I can understand what you mean about the anxety and reducing it .

The practise and use such of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies is very beneficial for many people. (just not in my case)

I have learnt to acknowledge my limitations to some degree and avoid situations if I need to.

I think it's important each person finds their own way and  not  aggravate the symptoms of their ocd wherever possible. This helps to avoid the self loathing that can often result and  the feelings of social isolation which this form of OCD tends to induce.

And like I mentioned before try and get ot top of things while they are young .

Take care and all the best

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Hi Tyler and other members

I was trying to get back to this post after registering with this forum one of the member guided me here,I'm suffering from OCD Starring disorder since 20 years @tyler could you help me to know more about this stimulant

Seeking your support


Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Sorry that was a mistake asking about drugs in this forum I apologise for the same

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Dear Friends

This is the worst disorder in this planet

Re: OCD staring / eye contact / peripheral vision

Hi @Ifrit444

I messaged you last night with the link. I don't know what it would be like but can understand that it would feel distressing for you. I'm not sure if you would get a reply but if you wanted to post to anyone on this thread you can type their name with an @ infront like I've done with yours and they may get an email notification of your post and then respond. 

Im really sorry that I can't help but keep posting if it helps as others may come on with something similar to you. Take care

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