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Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Thanks for sharing @RiverSeal tagging a few more members for you here. Please feel free to share this survey and engage as much or as little as you like 💝

 @outlander @NatureLover @wellwellwellnez @TheVorticon 

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

I know LGBTQIA+ people who emancipated themselves from their religious upbringing. I also know some people who have reconciled their abiding faith with their sexuality. Recently I have arrived at the position that I don't want to prevent myself from having a fulfilling relationship because of religious hang-ups. If there is an all-loving, benevolent God(s), then He, She or They would have to love all the colours of the rainbow. I guess I have to make a choice, right now, between fear and love. If I choose to remain repressed out of fear, I will always be miserable, but if I choose love, a whole world of potential is out there waiting for me to embrace it. 
Anyway, brothers, sisters and non-binary siblings, that's where I think I will leave it. Have a day!

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hey @BlueTrane,


It's great to see you looking beyond your own personal views and being accepting of people no matter what their beliefs. Something that is really challenging to do especially if you don't view religion in the same way as another person. 


Growth as individuals and in relationships are important in our recovery. Beaking down boundaries that don't serve a positive outcome is a real strength in yourself. Great to see that the process is something that you value. 


Thanks for sharing your thoughts here in this space!


Best wishes 



Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Today I met someone who is part of the LGBTQIA+ community and we have become quick friends. I am seeing them tomorrow and we are going on a little road trip. 

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi there everyone.

I am new here, in fact, new to the whole sane forum world.

I am 41 yr old Female

Not applicable

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi @CFH ! Welcome to SANE Australia!

I wanted to reach out and say a warm hello and welcome 🙂 We are so glad you have decided to join this community.

Here's a tip for navigating the forums. If you'd like to tag someone in a post, which means they will get a notification that you are writing to them, just put an @ symbol in front of their name.

I hope that you will have a great time connecting with like-minded people!

 - LittleSteps

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Thank you @Former-Member ☺️

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi. I have just had one of the wonderful support workers point me in this direction.

I am unsure how alone I am re my sexuality. I love women / females.  I totally support sexual equality for all. My thing is I feel as a Lesbian trapped in a Man's body.

I think this is possibly a difficult concept to understand. I don't want to get in trouble by being too graphic, but I so often imagine how great it would be to be in a females arms as a female.

I hope what I have said is okay.

Hello to all in this forum.


Not applicable

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hey @IsAnybodyThere 😊

What you have said is perfectly ok, and I also don't think it's a difficult concept for me to understand- what you have described sounds very similar to experiences of people I know who have come to understand that they are trans lesbians. 

I don't know if you've thought about labels and identities like that (and I certainly don't mean to put any on you- that's something for you to decide for yourself)- but I do want to express that you're not alone in these kinds of feelings, and that there can be positive ways forward. 


In thinking about these things (I do identify as trans), I've found that time and space, trusted/safe people or services, community and learning from others' experiences (often online) has been helpful for me in understanding who I really am.


I'll tag some other members who've been involved in this thread so they can see your post above, if anyone would have any other perspectives to share 💗 

@outlander @eth @BlueTrane @CFH @petrichor @Adge @NatureLover @Jynx @Fluttershy1 @Shaz51 @TheVorticon @The-red-centaur @Eden1919 @Schitzo 

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Welcome. I am also new to these forums. In fact I always feel new because I thought my circumstances
were unique. However people are so accepting here. @IsAnybodyThere