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Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hello @Glisten , @amber22 , @TideisTurning , @SmilingGecko 

Share your ideas here @Sapphire2 , love to hear them 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hi everyone, thanks for tagging me @TideisTurning . I have an electronic and a paper calendar. My electronic calendar is accessible in my mobile phone so I use it for appointments so I don't double book myself or my kids. My paper calendar I write when I do things like watering plants, taking supplements, washing sheets and towels etc so I know when they're due next. These two systems help me especially when I'd likely forget things otherwise 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Another system I have, this one saves on power: I have a magnetic whiteboard on the fridge and I list everything in the freezer so I can see without having to open it up and look. 

Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

 @TideisTurning  I do something very similar with calendars as @Patchworks. being able to set an alarm prior to start time of appointments etc has been big help to me.


in my previous house I also did similar with food in the freezer. My freezer was in my garage. I bought large whiteboard, drew it up in chart format and had my hubby fasten it to inside of garage door and updated it each time food was removed or added to freezer. Also helped when going shopping, quick check showed me what items were low in freezer

Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

Hey @TideisTurning 


Like @Patchworks and @Patches59 I also use diaries and a whiteboard. I have an electronic calendar attached to my email account where I log meetings, appointments, etc. I also have a physical paper diary with month by month calendars and a longer day by day section. This one has sections to write notes etc. so it is my favourite way to keep everything in one place. 


I also have a medium sized whiteboard divided into sections. They include sections for the house, work and different groups/meetings. I list everything that needs to be done and can cross them off easily when completed.


It also helps me prioritise what is needed first and what can wait.

Re: Peer Group Chat // Looking Forward to 2024 // Thursday 18th January 2024, 7-8:30PM AEDT

A great list of ideas to try! thanks @Zoe7 @Patches59 @Patchworks @SmilingGecko  


@Sapphire2, would love to hear your ideas if you have any 😊


Also, hi there @Shaz51 👋