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Something’s not right

Re: Winter solstice

Autumn equinox is 20th March. Easter is 31st March. 


Re: Winter solstice

I haven't been able to sleep tonight. Things aren't improving.  And I probably won't speak to anyone til Monday. 

Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Dimity Sleep it so vital isn't it? I know for me, I really struggle with everything when I haven't had enough sleep. How are you doing now? Here if you want to chat. 

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Paperdaisy thanks. I've caught up on some sleep now but feeling low. I'll get a coffee and try to start moving.

Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , sorry, I hadn't seen your posts here 😢 Are you still having trouble with sleep? 

Sending care... 

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover yes still struggling with sleep. But trying a lavender and vetiver balm. Hope you're doing better. 


Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Appleblossom sending love. Acknowledging the pain and grief of family schism. Take care.


Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity  Hope the lavender and vetiver balm helps🤞

(I'm not actually sure what vetiver is! What is it?)

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover vetiver is another fragrant essential oil. Apparently it's from the roots of a grass that grows in India. Lavender and vetiver seem a nice combination, very calming. 

I'm a bit overwrought at the moment but little things can help.


Re: Winter solstice

Thanks for explaining vetiver @Dimity ...the very word sounds exotic, and it obviously is.


Unusual to see you online this you want to chat? Would that help your overwrought feeling?

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