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Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover it was lovely weather to be outside today.

I've been working on resolving the complicated issues with my sister but I'm feeling conflicted and have had differing advice. There's a lot of pressure. Maybe counselling will help. It affects so many areas of my life. 

Christmas is looming, so I'll have to start gift shopping soon. It's been a difficult year. I guess we'll soon be able to put it behind us.





Re: Winter solstice

You're right, it was lovely sitting outside yesterday. 


@Dimity wrote:

I've been working on resolving the complicated issues with my sister but I'm feeling conflicted and have had differing advice. There's a lot of pressure. Maybe counselling will help. It affects so many areas of my life. 

I'm really sorry to hear this... When are you next seeing your counsellor?


Yes, it has been a difficult year, especially for you 😢🫂



Re: Winter solstice

I saw the counsellor today @NatureLover and it was pretty heavy going. She suggested a way of working together so I guess that was positive. She said it won't be easy to work on both present difficulties and past trauma but I think it's all related so worth the effort.

I'm glad you enjoyed sitting outside yesterday.  I don't have anywhere to sit in my garden... something to consider. And I still haven't set up my reading nook. I ache to feel at home yet have lived here so long. I








Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity wrote:

I ache to feel at home yet have lived here so long.

This made me sad @Dimity  😢. Is there room in your lush garden for a chair? 


Are you OK with the way of working together that your counsellor suggested? 


Sending hugs...

Re: Winter solstice

I'll work on it @NatureLover 

Re: Winter solstice

My apologies for oversharing on your hoarding thread @NatureLover... it's your space. You're facing a lot of challenges at the moment and I'm not sure how best to support you. It's been good to have an accountability buddy but I've lapsed.

I really feel for you and see parallels with some of my own experiences. I'm mostly  in touch with my memories now but not so much my emotions or being able to visualise a way forward. I think I'm ready to start moving on and am happy to accompany you on your journey if that's what you want... or just barrack for you from the sidelines.

Take care


Re: Winter solstice

Dear @Dimity , you haven't at all "overshared on my hoarding thread" - on the contrary, I really like that you write on there about your troubles or your day. 

I'm OK at the moment - no need for you to worry. You support me already by listening, remembering what I've told you in the past, caring and also sharing about you. You're important to me. 

I would definitely welcome and be grateful for you sharing my journey, and would be interested in hearing your wisdom as you are obviously (sadly) experienced in this trauma journey 💔


@Dimity wrote:

I really feel for you and see parallels with some of my own experiences. I'm mostly  in touch with my memories now but not so much my emotions or being able to visualise a way forward. I think I'm ready to start moving on

I think your psychologist is helping with this? I'm glad you feel ready to move on. 💚

Thank you for your kind words. 

Re: Winter solstice

Thankyou so much @NatureLover . 

I think it's actually relatively new to me to see this as a "trauma journey" despite having lived it. Having compassionate friends is priceless.

Re: Winter solstice

Hello @NatureLover @tyme @Appleblossom and anyone reading

I've been in a slump but in the last few days have been assessed with several lumbar spine issues with wide-ranging effects, and extremely severe depression. I'm launching into trauma therapy for the first time and am about to start a care plan with an osteopath.  Tonight I start a new sleep regimen with hopes I can maintain it.(perhaps I can, as I've stuck with walking even when it's been really hard to keep going). I can't fix my family but me, I intend to become a work in progress. 


Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity  It sounds to me that you might be entering a new phase? Where you are tackling some long-standing physical and emotional issues? Well done...we are here to support you 🙂


I especially hope that the trauma therapy can unlock some healing for you - that was how it worked for me over time.