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Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Yes HayleyC I agree.  I've found this is true with my daughter, as for me being listened to and taken seriously years ago when I knew I wasn't dealing with "just teenage hormones" .... I kept getting treated like an over-anxious parent.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

change is even harder when the young person is on the Autistic spectrum!! and even worse if they have PDA

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Welcome along tonight @Kelly - this too sounds like a tough situation and I imagine frustrating, glad you could join us. Beyond tonights event, its great to get connected here and a good step for yourself to gain support. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

yes.. when they are in denial are hoping it will eventually go away.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Lizard !

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

my son has a thing about "drugs too" but he wants a magic wand to change it all!!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

My Mum has all-pervading anxiety, with frequent intense outbursts - which has affected all family members around her, for more than 30 years.

Blame & anger are her responses, & her ways of dealing with it.

All family members behave & speak especially so as not to exaccerbate Mum's anxiety (or upset her).

Yet Mum shows no recognition of the affect her behaviour has had on other people (especially her children).


Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Hi DaisyMay,
I've found that with family members it is even more difficult for the person to accept they may have mental health issues. A lot of teens going through depression and anxiety (for example) are also seen as 'just' going through puberty and I wonder if this leads to more severe mental health problems down the track?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Hi Kelly

Same with me, my daughter has been admitted 4 times to hospital.  She has managed to convince them each time that she is "ok", minimises the events that led up to the admissions, and then comes home and rages at me and is constantly telling me she doesn't want to be alive but she won't admit in hospital as she's terrified of being kept in. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Adge - glad to have you here. It sounds like you are making all the efforts you can with your mum, but when her behaviours are having impacts on you and your family like this it can be hard to find ways to communicate and make changes. Hopefully as we delve in you find some helpful things!