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Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

Thanks @Bow 🤩 

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

@Bow @ArraDreaming @Shaz51 

@tyme @Jynx @RachSANECEO @AD_SANE_LEM 


Carefully weighing up my options. I have decided that I really want to join the LEAC. Just going to leave this here so you are fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses.


Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

Hi @Oaktree well don on doing a pro's cons list. If I look at it objectively there are more pro's than cons. Pros and Cons are very valid and the answers to some of the con's will be with you especially for the one that says "how will I feel if not selected?". 


I do think that there is immense strength and growth in applying and going through the process. 


I know back in the day when I was early in my journey, I would just apply for things to "stretch" myself. I learnt a lot about myself. 


But know that it's also empowering that the decision is with you. Even if you get selected - you have the final say. There is no pressure from our end at all. Not sure if this is helpful or not? 

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

Thanks @AD_SANE_LEM 

I have already put in an expression of interest. How will the team go about the selection process?

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

Hi @Oaktree once we receive all the EOI's we'll shortlist based on the answers to the questions and the best match, and those who are selected will be invited for an interview with the co-chairs of the LEAC and another member of the team. 

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment



I am dead in the water then as I didn’t write much as to why I wanted to join.

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

Hi @Oaktree you are always welcome to send a second application through and we will look at your most recent response?

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment



Thankyou, I did do that last night 

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment

@Oaktree great pros and cons
I haven’t even got that far yet

Re: Lived Experience Advisory Committee First Nations Member Recruitment



I found it was a worthwhile exercise