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Re: Topic Tuesday // Live now! // Caring for someone with bipolar

Absolutely! Through an online blog I had for five years, trying to work it all out from my head and articulating my experiences 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Live now! // Caring for someone with bipolar

Thanks ,just joining in now

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // Tues, 22 March, 7pm AEDT // Caring for someone with bipolar

His psychatrist doesn't really agree so now he is on a mix of's a worry.


I also want to ask the forum if they have any suggestions about handling finance...I know my son has a huge credit card bill but he won't let me help and continues to spend... is this a symptom of bi-polar.

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // Tues, 22 March, 7pm AEDT // Caring for someone with bipolar

Hi everyone. I have bipolar and am interested in this subject. So that I can see things more from the other side of my partner caring for me. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Live now! // Caring for someone with bipolar

I tend to let off steam in a mad cleaning of the house frenzy.  It works for the most part, then exhaustion helps me collapse and sleep.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // Live now! // Caring for someone with bipolar

Welcome @Mama_Penguin 🙂

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // Tues, 22 March, 7pm AEDT // Caring for someone with bipolar

I also wish I had an answer.  You see, my loved one was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. That was after I threatened to have him locked up for his threatening behaviour. I grew up with a bipolar mother and never thought in my wildest dreams that my partner of 24 years would have the same disorder. 

I have been diagnosed with MS almost 3 years ago.  This was enough to trigger almost all demons.  Every time I was complaining about his ways people would bring it down to my "MS depression" and me not coping with life.  Now, that I have stood by him through all of this and he is getting better through being on the right medication and therapy, I am told that I will never have the privilige of needing a carer as I will have to be the carer for the rest of my life. 

I am thankful that I am not too sick, but I am mad at the situation.  I can care for myself as much as I would want to, but I will never be cared for.  

My mother has after 45 years "found a son she has been hiding" and has decided that I was not good enough after all. (She decided to never take the bipolar treatment), and now my partner needs "my understanding and careful consideration of his condition" if I want some caring for myself.  

Living with a person with bipolar is challenging.  You really have to dig very deep for that morsel of love that was once there...

Re: Topic Tuesday // Live now! // Caring for someone with bipolar

Hi Jane4, my son was16 when he was diagosed with "undefined psychosis" with schitzophenic tendencies by an experienced psychiatrist. We did not agree with her treatment approach so that led us to get a second opinion. 18 mths ago, my son was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 with psychosis. We really trust his psychiatrist and treatment plan. Not sure about the Black Dog Institute, but if you're unsure, maybe get a second opinion?

Topic Tuesday // Tues, 22 March, 7pm AEDT // Caring for someone with bipolar

Hi @NoviceCarer


Great question and I think it's something that many carers experience - how do you have difficult conversation...

Some key communication tips that some carers have shared before have included:

- Open the conversation stating how much you care, and that's why you want to bring up this topic

- Not being confrontational. Avoid terms like "You do xyz" something more appropriate might be "When you *insert behaviour* it makes me feel *insert the feeling or impact on you*."

- Don't raise the issue in the heat of the moment. Approach the topic when you & your loved one are both relaxed / calm


Does anyone else have any tips? 


Just wanted to flag that Jo is having some technical problems, but will be joining us again soon 🙂

Re: COMING UP: Topic Tuesday // Tues, 22 March, 7pm AEDT // Caring for someone with bipolar

I find it hard as a carer to know when to try and help and when to step back...the constant rejection of my efforts can be very upsetting, but I keep telling myself it is just his condition.  On the occasions he seems like his old self it is truely wonderful and we can communicate easily and at a deep level...but those occasions are becoming rare...