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Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

Hi @Marie30, it looks like you've posted a lot of questions about how to help someone who doesn't have insight into their illness in a section of the forum that is for people with their own lived experience of severe mental health issues.  Hopefully a @moderator will be along soon to move these threads somewhere that friends, family and carers of people with severe mental health issues are more likely to see them.


In the meantime, SANE has a few support fact sheets here:



Delusional disorder

Non compliant with medication & refuse follow up with GP or psychologist. What to say to motivate the person 

Re: Delusional disorder


Delusional disorder refusal of medication

How to get someone with delusional disorder to stop using technology eg sending emails 

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

@Marie30Unless the person has been convicted or charged with using technology maliciously, I don't think there is a legal way to prevent them from using email. Pretty sure that's a violation of their right to free speech.

If they've been using email to harass or threaten particular people, those people might be able file a restraining order against them that would forbid that person from contacting them again in the future. If behaving in this manner is part of a pattern for the person, that might warrant a court order to bar them from using email, period.

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

Thank you for your advice I feel better I don’t have to worry .

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

Hey there @Marie30 ,


All your posts are now here so you can keep them altogether.


I'm sorry to hear you are struggling to help your sister. It sounds like she is not aware that she needs support?


Do you feel she is safe? Also, do YOU feel safe too?


Please look after yourself. Know that you are not alone.


We are here for you.

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

Hey there @chibam 🙂

super helpful.. I wondered if you have a reference of resource where this information could be found please? Thank you 🌺🙂🙌🏻

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

@Former-Member  Best I could find for the moment is this bit of Victorian Law:

...where section 13(a) specifies: "A person has the right not to have his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence unlawfully or arbitrarily interfered with";
and section 15-2 specifies: "Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether orally, in writing, in print, by way of art, or in another medium chosen by him or her."

I'm sure I've read more about these rights - particularly when the Royal Inquiry into Abuse of Disabled People was going on, but unfortunately, I don't think I saved the links for that material.

Re: Delusional disorder refusal of medication

Thank you so very much @chibam  for this link, I really appreciate it 🙂 🤗🌺

The time taken to follow up and to share really means a lot 😊

Hope you have a lovely afternoon and rest of your weekend! 

PinkFlamingo 🙂💜