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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Good morning @Jacques
Hoping you managed to get some sleep last night.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Very important for you to have some self care happening at this time.
Are you able to find something to help give your worry a break such as take some photographs, meet a friend for coffee etc?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

thank you @Former-Member, i know i need to care for myself, my amazing partner was so worried about me getting the support i needed even though she was so unwell, she is in hospital as we speak, the nursing staff are taking good care of her, she is heavily sedated so we didn't talk for long. no i have agrophobia so i don't have any friends. im on my own. only here to get support.


music is helping me cope. thank you for caring @Former-Member

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Even eating healthily can make a difference in the self care department @Jacques, so often when we are worried we either eat too much or not enough and often not enough of what is recommended to keep ourselves healthy. Important we get the right fuel as it is often a long haul.

If your partner is involuntary, free legal aid is available to her and it might help her feel better if she has this.


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

yes, i am guilty of overeating, i am making myself sick from snacking so much, it is a coping stratagie of mine when i am stressed. i will watch more what i eat. you are right. 


my partner has gone into the mhu and the hospital volintarily she knew she was unwell and listened to me and seeked help. 


it is so hard when her family don't support her, im just reassuring her i love her and i care for her and im not going anywhere. that is all i can do.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Quick check in @Jacques

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

thank you @Former-Member, it is really tough, her mum will not let her come home, her daughters are trying out for a sports team and school starts, she is so distressed. im just trying to support her as much as i can. 


thank you for caring @Former-Member, it helps a lot.


i hope you are doing well too 🙂

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Quick check in @Jacques

ohh @Jacques, I just saw your thread now my friend , sending you hugs and sitting with you HeartHeart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques
How are you traveling today?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

thank you @Shaz51


hi @Former-Member, not a good day today, my partner SH in hospital and her mum now will not let her come home tomorrow she can't stay at hospital and the MHU does not have a bed until wednesday so she will be spending a night on the streets. she is so distressed.


im starting to run out of options to support her

im trying to get her a motel to stay in, but i don't know how i am going to keep her safe for that night. this is so unfair