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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques
Checking in.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Appleblossom @Former-Member and @Former-Member,


thank you for thinking about me, no @Former-Member my partner is still in hospital and not doing well at all, it has been a really rough week. we are both so exhausted and hoping next wek is a bit better.


my dear friends @Former-Member and @Appleblossom K said to say hello, and thank you @Appleblossom for letting me know to think of me, im trying but it is hard when the ones you love are struggling so much. i am taking time for me to reenergize, and i am trying to get as much rest as i can. i have been getting a lot of panic attacks of late. which is not helping.

i hope all three of you lovely ladies are doing well and you are all often in my thoughts

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Thinking of you my friend everyday @Jacques HeartHeart

Hello @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @Appleblossom Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis



Nothing to say.


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques
How are you going Bro?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, are you ok HeartHeart

 what`s happened

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Former-Member and @Shaz51, just having a rough week, my partner is not being looked after very well, and I am struggling with thoughts. Just a really low week..

I hope you are all OK. Thank you for checking in sorry @Shaz51 and @Appleblossom for not responding. Just don't have the energy

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


@JacquesI just meant that I really felt for your situation so much .. caring for someone through a hospitalisation .. that words could not help. 

Sorry if it sounded abrupt.

Glad you still post, but dont worry about it. Only post when you can.

How is your garden? Has it been totally dried out by summer?

I used to love your photos. Just  posted this pic for its quirky perspective.



Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Gentle words of encouragement for you to ramp up your own mental health care; when our loved ones are in hospital it can be difficult for us too. Have you been able to access extra support?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member


thank you for your kindness and encouragement, my partner went home on sunday, so i am trying to help her trnasition from hospital to home, she is doing really well at that, but she is physically not well, so im encouraging her to see a doctor, no i have not accessed any extra support except from here, it has been hard.

i hope you are well darcy, hugs my friend