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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, after knowing you for 2 n a half years my friend , sending you lots of tender hugs and to say that I am with you as you were with me when I first came on here HeartHeart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Shaz51 gosh has it been so long, it only seems yesterday we met. I feel so lucky to have so many amazing people support me here. I do hope I can give back in the future again on here, you have all helped me find happyness. Hugs to all my forum friends, hugs to you my special friend @Shaz51

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hugs @Jacques sounds like you are struggling a lot, i hope that the low and difficult thoughts ease up for you soon. I am glad that K is home and hope that she is finding joy with her loved ones and that its helping. I hope though that her physical wellness improves quickly as its hard enough without being sick on top...
Keep trying to look after you, sending gentle care your way

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi my dear friend @Former-Member, yes it is a tough time for both of us, but we are getting through each day, each month. Together. I don't regret meeting her or falling in love, every step has been worth while and we are falling in love more and more each day.

How are you going my dear friend, how are the two little ones? How are you coping? Have you met anyone or found some sort of peace in your life?

I miss talking to you and all my forum friends. Hugs to you @Former-Member, you are truly a strong, brave and amazing woman ☺️

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


You were on the forum when I began. Flowers to you and your lady.


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

oh my virtual mum @Appleblossom, thank you so much, they are beautiful, we have truly come a long way since we first met, i really hope things are going well for you and you have found some peace and happyness


hugs my friend


you are always in my thoughts

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques
Quick wave

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

OMG @Former-Member 

your too funny, yes, the tooth fairy, gosh im so so sore from it, i can't wait forthe pain to go away. things are going from day to day, my partner is not physically well, i am supporting her as best i can, she is being so strong and im so proud of her. 


thank you for checking in, sorry for the late response

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques

Hope things are looking up a bit for you in the teeth department.

Hope your partner starts to pick up a bit too.