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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi my dear friends @Former-Member and @Shaz51, I am struggling with the heat, it is currently 12:36am and it is 39 degrees, no sleep for me tonight. I have not had many low temperature days since Christmas, nothing below 35 anyway.


I hope you are both staying cooler than I am

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Sorry @Former-Member I missed one of your messages, yes I think I do have bipolar disorder. Though I have only formally been diagnosed with severe depression and severe generalised anxiety disorder. I have never seeked any help for it in the past 30 years, I know that is a mistake. No one realised how bad it was.


I saw a psychologist for 2 sessions and a psychiatrist who said I was "faking" the symptoms to get the dole. 


Who in there right mind would isolate for 20 years and have no income for 7 years to get the dole? 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

ohhhhhh @Jacques that is hot my friend , sending you tender hugs and hope it cools down a little bit for you xxxx

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis




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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, checking in to see how you are my friend Heart

great to see you at the friday feast last night xx

Hello @Appleblossom , @PeppiPatty , @Former-Member 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi my dear friend @Shaz51  sorry i only popped in with one message on friday, it was a busy night, supporting my partner and having to do some housework. 


im not so great, i have cracked one of my wisdom teeth in half from anxiety and it is aching so badly, i think it will need to be taken out, i am booked into the dentist on tuesday, im feeling really flat lately, i guess just bored with life at the moment as i don't do much.


i hope things are improving for you and managing your mum and family is not too difficult, you are a wonderful daughter, so many children leave there parents care and only show up when there is a will to get money out of. your mum is so so lucky to have you. and i am so so proud to call you my friend. 


hugs @Shaz51 i hope mr shaz's shoulder is improving



Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

will be thinking of you on tuesday @Jacques  Heart

are you taking anything for the pain

mr shaz`z torn tendon on the of his shoulder bone is giving him a bit a terrible -- hoping the physio will help when we get a appt

also Mr shaz rang mental health to have a review after nearly 4 years , waiting for an appt , hoping he does not cancel again

one step at a time my friend , is it still hot where you are

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

thank you @Shaz51 yes, im taking some neurofin it is helping a little, the headaches are bad though.


i hope the physio helps too, im so glad he is trying to look after his mental health, if he is not coping, im so so proud of him. i hope he gets a good psychologist to help him.


umm no we got a cool change and im freezing, it is a nice change from 40 degree days, and we got a little rain, did you get any of the rain the hit townsville

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

yes lots and lots of rain , had water all around @Jacques , but no water inside xxx

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Shaz51 gosh you where so so lucky, im so glad your house was spared, i really hope everything goes ok with your mum and mr shaz, please send him my support, i know he can do it and hopfully get his anxiety back under control. for mr shaz, your self and your family. you are an amazing partner @Shaz51 i hope mr shaz realises how lucky he is