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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques  times like these are very confusing and it is important to ramp up your own supports. Are you under the care of a therapist?  Keeping up with your walking program can help too.


PS How is your new car going?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member  my dear friend, 


yes, i feel very alone with this, no support, only from you and others in this wonderful forum. no i don't see any psychologist or councillor, i see my doctor once every 6 months for meds, that is it. 


I am walking every day, 1 km im so so proud of myself for getting back into it, im feeling better for it too, the car is amazing, i never in a million years thought i would have a new car. im still scared to drive it for fear of marking it 🙂


at the moment im hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. it is really hard

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


Keeping up your walking = 😀


Would you consider seeing a counselor? There are big emotions associated with loving someone who is suicidal. I know I found counseling to be of benefit. 


Hopefully you will be able to get into the drivers seat and enjoy that new car, we were fortunate enough to get one late last year and since then Mr Darcy has been hogging the driving (but I don't mind).


How are you going on the soft drink front?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

I think im going to lose my partner soon, she has given up, her psychiatrist just quite and the public councillor is doing the same. everyone is abandoning her. im trying so desperatly to give her reasons to love, but i don't think it will be enough to save her. 


my seperation anxiety is keeping me from being with her in person and i feel so guilty i can't be with her to make her happy. 


i don't think i can cope without her if something happens


i love her so so much

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


It is a confusing time when our loved ones are suicidal.  Our hearts ache so very much.  

Getting some support for yourself at this time can help give you coping strategies and help you through this valley.  Have you got a mental health plan from your GP so you can get medicare rebateable psychology sessions?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi everyone,

my partner is having all her treatment finishing up in a few weeks and she is more suicidal than ever, she called her psychiatrist today and the receptionist didn't hang up the phone properly and she heard the receptionist and the psychiatrist dr laughing and making jokes about her. she is devistated and heart broken. 


she has no where else to turn, im trying desperately to find someone new, but how is she going to trust again.


im so so terrified of losing her

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member ,

 no i don't have any help, i tried reaching out for help once before and was told i was faking anxiety and depression for the dole, i live in a small town and there is limited options. 


i have been crying all afternoon, im so scared of losing the love of my life. she is an amazing woman and i can't lose her

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


Your current situation has nothing to do with Centrelink. There are options, Carers Australia offer a limited number of free counseling sessions which can be done over the phone. There are some online psychology services that provide bulk billed services to rural locations if you have a mental health care plan, appts are by video link.


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Thank you @Former-Member im glad some peopel care and know this is not a choice. 


I will have to look into it, thank you.


i know i need to see someone for my anxiety, i just need ot get the courage to do so, i just got off the phone with my partner, she is devistated but it willing to try to reach out for help again. she is so so brave.


thank you so much for your kindess and support @Former-Member , you are an amazing person.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi everyone,

I have not heard form my partner all day im so so worried, i feel so so sick in the stomach.


last night she said she would reach out for another psychologist, but with waitng times i don't know if there will be someone soon enough to keep her safe. 


i feel so so dazed and confused as to what has gone wrong, things where going so well at the start of the year, she moved into her newly renovated home and seemed really happy.