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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Perhaps some warm up exercises before you take the wheel next time?


(Unable to insert humorous picture at present - feel free to smile despite this 😀)


Going OK here @Jacques  thanks. Mr Darcy remains steady and I am so grateful for that. 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis



omg thank you so much for the laugh, in all seriousness though i might have to think about that. 


im glad things are going ok for you. hugs my friend

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hugs @Jacques Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Shaz51 my dear friend,


i have my fingers crossed your specialist finds out why you are having problems with your legs, im worried about you. 


thank you, i need the hugs tonight, i seem to have found a low point, im struggling with thoughts and reasons to keep fighting. i so feel like giving up. i know i can't, but it does not stop the thoughts.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

sitting with you my awesome friend @Jacques  and sending you hugs Heart

have you looked in your coping box

we are here for you  and @Ali11 , @Former-Member , @Appleblossom  are here for you too if you want some company xx


the doctor said there is not much we can do with my aches and pains because of my diabetes and kidney disease, but i am going to look up things that might help xx

someone said soaking in epsoms salts are good for aching muscles

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hey @Jacques

Sorry to hear you're struggling tonight, it's good you've come to the forums for some support. It sounds like you are perhaps struggling with thoughts around suicide so I'm sending you an email to check in. 

Take care of yourself,




Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Sending you love @Jacques Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Shaz51  thank you my dear friend. 


i feel so cared for on this forum, my partner wants me to move down to her to live with her, but i can't leave my mum, she knows that and she said she is ok with it, but i know deep down she wants me to be with her. 


i feel so guilty i can't leave my mum, i feel guilty for puttig my partner through this.


yes @Shaz51 epsome salts or radox is amazing for aches and pains, i use it sometimes and can recommend it

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Jacques 

Good to see you around.

Smiley Happy

Know what you mean about pity party, but on the other hand, itis important to come to terms with what has happened and not diminish its importance.  Your do ctors expression means that it must have sunk in to her, so maybe there will be some hope for healing from trauma.

I used to be uspet about time wasted too. SOmehow I lost my years from late 20s to mid 40s, but as I gradually grow gentler on myself and release my anger and pain, my life has aspects about it that somehow DO make it all seem worth while.  I hope you find a path that works for you, despite your early depression and restricted living.

Smiley Happy

I have aching shins as I have been walking up hill very quickly this week.  It has also been very early and I have long days where its dark when I am travelling to and from my course.

It is so difficult but it is really worth it, so I find a way to manage.


Glad your partners issues are settling.

Take Care of you as well as mum and partner.

Smiley Happy


Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

yes sending you knowing hugs @Jacques 

it is hard as my mum is 88 and very frail , I know mr shaz wants to do things but he knows while my mum needs me we will stay here

hugs for you and your partner , you have a life time ahead of you  and your love between you and your partner will help each other xxxx