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Re: Shift

Thanks @Former-Member. Yes it does mean What will be will be. 💕Hugzzz

Don't worry about having control over the nuisance factors. I just go with the flow for the little things.
Bug issues? Now that's another matter. ...
Thinking of you 💕 Hugzzz
Senior Contributor

Re: Shift

@Former-Member. Yes. As @Kurra said - if you cannot 'control' the small stuff - try and let it go. Breathe through it.
Fears and 'what if's' will come up from time to time. The plan is to not let them take over.
All the very best. ♥♥
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Re: Shift

I am sad tonight.
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Re: Shift

Hi @Former-Member

I am sorry to hear that you are feeling sad tonight but so glad that you have posted and therefore reached out. If you need more support from myself via an email, please let me know.

I'm moderating until midnight.

Please take care. 



Senior Contributor

Re: Shift

@Former-Member. Are you able to sit with that feeling ?
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Re: Shift

Hi @Former-Member and @utopia

Thank you for your messages. I put the phone away as I just couldn't put my sadness into words. So I just pulled the cover over me and waited to fall asleep.

I am still sad. It is a sadness I remember from when I was a kid and perhaps it is the kid in me that still doesn't understand the world. When I watched Animal Farm and Watership Down, I couldn't understand how the world could be so cruel. I remember crying and crying in my Dad's arms because I just couldn't understand. As a young teenager I watched Apocalypse Now and cried like that again. Then in real life civil war hit one part of my family and many lost their lives and all were displaced. I learnt to toughen up. I was living in a fairy tale compared to them. I was still alive. Being alive is all that matters. Nothing is worse than dying. I learnt to push everything down and function. I lost more immediate family members and kept pushing down and started running and disconnecting from people so I wouldn't get hurt.

I still don't understand the world. I get upset that there is no adequate system out there to help people with MI, not just the lucky ones, but all. I don't understand that people who are unwell have to search for services instead of being held by the hand and shown where to go.

Then my head wanders and I remember how lucky we all are to live here, protected, sheltered, not enduring starvation or war. And then I get sad because the world is such an unhappy place.

And now I will have to remember that it wasn't my choice where I was born. And I have to remember what I've learnt to break the downward spiral. And I have learnt that taking meds or using harmful strategies is not the only option and that being sad, even if it is deep deep deep within and hurts so much, is ok, it's ok to hide under my blanket and be sad at times. I don't have to be tough all the times.

Sometimes I wonder if I am working so hard on being more compassionate to myself and being vulnerable, and then in the end I will just harden up again as I cannot cope with the world. I said from the beginning of therapy - what happens if I don't like what I see and who I am once I let go off the iron fist that protects my heart?

They say during deep depression your thinking revolves about yourself, what if I lift my gaze too much (and I don't have to lift it a lot) and cannot live with what I see? I feel it now, that deep sadness, tearless, I can feel the fear and vulnerability. In my head I have lifted my gaze too high. My head is pounding and my body hurts. It's time to finish this post.

Dear @Former-Member and @CherryBomb - please do not tag me in posts. I try to help when I am strong enough, but those days are far and few between. Thank you for understanding.
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Re: Shift

Sorry @Former-Member, and @Former-Member, understand, hope your weekend goes ok - hugz xoz
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Re: Shift

Hi @Former-Member

Your last post made me think and realise I hadn't really thought about what would happen as I moved forward in therapy. Your idea that you toughen up again made me think that I guess that's what happens ultimately but that you feel instead of pushing it away and just get better at feeling. When I left hospital the last time about 4 months ago now I talked to the psychiatrist and asked if I just need to toughen up and he said yes for some things. It was a reality check for me that I have to find ways to not let things affect me so much. I don't know whether that is the same for you. I suspect there is a line somewhere where you develop the skills to feel but not over feel things. I hope this makes sense. I really hope your day gets a little more sunshine in. Take it gently, I know it is so very hard for you still. Thinking of you 💜💐🤗

Senior Contributor

Re: Shift

@Former-Member. It is a scary unknown. The future. We cannot know what the future holds.
What you did last night - although painful - was exactly what you needed to do. To simply sit with your sadness - in the now.
It is an important lesson for all of us. Trying not to focus on the past or the future. But to simply be present in the now.
I hope today is a more gentle day for you. ♥♥
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Re: Shift

Hi @Former-Member don't feel bad please, I know you're only trying to help. Hope you have a good weekend too 🤗

Hi @Former-Member it's interesting that you feel the same. How weird that we have to find out the balance about feelings. I sometimes get upset when my therapist or psych explains to me that they are just feeling and I can control them and they don't hurt me when sometimes they can be so real and do hurt.

I am very emotional, teary and shaky today, I'm still withdrawing from one of my meds so I don't think it helps. Big hugs to you🤗🌺