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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I just want to scream I feel so sick from the hospital it's my anxiety I am pasting around the room   I will have to leave soon to feed the others kids and then go back to the hospital this is very challenging as it's the littlest one but I am trying to care for all I don't know how  I am trying to manage  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

It's a rough gig, trying to take care of kids whilst also waiting for updates in the hospital. I'm sorry that this has all landed on your shoulders @Sunnyside226 it's a tough thing to carry. Just focus on the next step, the next thing you can do. The hospital staff will do their best to take care of the little one who is unwell. You just focus on yourself and the other kids for now, yeah? You got this!

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yeah i will I am going home for a bit to shower and feed the kids and then I will go back up later  to see the 1 year old  I never thought this would be hard I thought kids were easy lol @Jynx  if you're around I will chat or keep you updated    just wondering if there is a rule if we are allowed to say what happened I won't say much if not that's ok I might email you guys  I don't know how it happened  now I am stuck for dinner  I don't know what to feed the one kid other newborn will have bottle talk soon 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I'll be around till 10pm tonight, and then another moderator will jump on @Sunnyside226. The forums are staffed 24/7 so there's never a bad time to jump on and talk about what's happening for you (and if you ever need that extra support you can always tag @moderator so that staff are notified). 


So you can share with us as much or as little as you want - so long as it doesn't have any identifying info, graphic descriptions, or medication names. Double check the Guidelines if you're ever unsure, or just ask us. We don't really offer one-to-one/clinical support via email, though you can always check in via email if you have questions about what you can post on the forums, or anything else you wanna enquire about. If you wanna get support via email, you can email our support line/counsellors via


Kids are a mixed bag in my experience! Sometimes it's the easiest thing in the world to keep em happy and occupied. Sometimes it's more challenging. But sometimes it just gets incredibly difficult, and having to take a little one to hospital is right up there with 'most challenging things to face when looking after kids'. You're doing great, even if it doesn't feel like it!

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I didn't know they was moderators

Right now I am struggling and have high emotions  right now sorry I am a big mess @Jynx  i am having a meltdown in my room quietly I have never seen him this bad he's really not well the hospital just called I have to go back up as something happened  I will be around and thank you for letting me talk this out here it means a lot  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 Moderators work over the night time, but you can notify whichever staff members are online (which includes the peer support team) by using that tag. If ever you need 😉


Aww the poor thing, I hope he's okay! Yes feel free to keep us posted if you like, and just keep focusing on the next step you need to take. One thing at a time. Fingers crossed he is gonna be okay 🤞

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh ok so if I need someone at night time just to tag them ok it may take me time I don't always remember not good at remembering  


Yes fingers crossed I will let you how he goes 

Will you be around for longer @Jynx or are you finished? Sorry I don't know how sane works this is my first time here  will you be around tomorrow @Jynx  and thank you hun for your support sorry if that was rude of me   I am at the hospital door now I really don't want to walk in my heart is racing so fast 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I'm here for another hour @Sunnyside226 and if I could hold your hand to walk in with you, I would! Virtually rooting for you though. Not rude of you at all! It is good to know that my company and support are welcome 😊


I'm on tomorrow night as well, yes. Feel free to tag me if you want to keep chatting and I'll respond whenever I can 💜

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Thank you so so much @Jynx  you really have a good heart  I am in the waiting room and people are looking at me I just want to leave I hate it so much  

I wish I could hug you for your time @Jynx  you have been really nice and caring ❤️ I will shut up 

I do have one question @Jynx  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Aww thank you @Sunnyside226 big virtual hugs right back. 


What do you want to ask? Fire away.