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Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi there to everyone visiting the LGBTIQA+ social chat today,


Today we are starting the first day of a week long discussion for IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia).


The discussion is happening here: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈 


Every weekday there will be a new question to the community, and we would love to invite you to join in 🙂 


@eth @outlander @petrichor @Former-Member @NatureLover @Former-Member @Adge @Schitzo @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Fluttershy1 @Powderfinger 

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

It's a fabulous discussion and I encourage those here to join in or at least have a read.  Lot's of really thoughtful sharing.  🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈   I think today is the last day of IDAHOBIT week but that the discussion will continue.

Not applicable

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Since I ended the ACT sessions at the hospital, I have felt glum as I had genuinely appreciated the time with the therapist with whom I built a report. The gremlins in my head tell me that a person as kind and effervescent as them would never choose to speak to me if it weren’t part of their job. So, for the past week, I’ve been drinking lousy coffee while tending to my garden and listening to dreary jazz standards. Somewhere between Stormy Weather and Gloomy Sunday, the prospect that this cloud will be hanging over my head my entire life crept up on me. Thanks to the therapy, I’m now equipped with tools to help me make it through the bad weather. However, it is daunting to think the natural process of entropy wears on my mind and body, bringing more significant and frequent challenges as I age. Wait, I think the metaphor fell apart. LOL, Oh well, this old queen has always had a penchant for the dramatic. My queerplatonic partner tells me to hush and reminds me I am not even 40 yet. Oh, stop it, Paul!

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi @Former-Member nice to meet you!

Those gremlins in our heads just love to twist the truth don't they? I am sure your therapist thought you were kind and effervescent as well which is why you built such a great rapport with them. I think personally unless you have a mutual respect and connection with your therapist it just doesn't work, so the fact you appreciated the time spent with them proves they found endearing qualities in you that enabled them to be able to help you. 
Winter loves to mess with my head also, but I'm 52 so my bones are a little bit older than yours lol. And hey, being dramatic is what life is all about! How horrendously boring it would be to be average. Be well my friend xx


BB 🐰💙

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi everyone, I'm knew here and was invited to this space by the lovely @Former-Member xx


So a little about me. For the past month I have been questioning my gender. I am AFAB hetero but have always had a strong masculine side and though I have never felt womanly I have never entirely felt male either and there have been times I guess I have felt neither. I've also had issues with my sexuality in that I've never felt attraction to anyone unless I there was an intellectual or emotional connection with them first.


So I have been doing a lot of research into gender fluidity, non-binary & the asexuality spectrum. I guess for now I've come to the realisation that I am more than likely non-binary, genderfluid and demisexual. 

I am 52 and I feel like years and years of confusion and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin are finally starting to shift. I came out to my therapist in session on Wednesday and he was amazing. I also rang QLife on Thursday and had a wonderful discussion. I finally after all this time feel like I am finding my authentic self. I have an extremely toxic homophobic family so my therapist & I agreed saying anything to them would just set me up for more abuse & bullying and due to the childhood trauma and subsequent c-ptsd & bipolar I have more than enough triggers to deal with when it comes to family. I honestly also feel like they aren't worthy of knowing. This is my journey and they haven't earned the privilege of being part of it. 

So I'm coming out officially here as an AFAB non-binary, genderfluid, demisexual freaking rockstar! I have so much still to learn about the community and what it all means for me, but I'm also just feeling so empowered and so authentic in my sense of self. 

Big hugs to everyone reading, I look forward to getting to know you all better. xx


BB 🐰💙


Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi all,


I'm new to the forums. @Former-Member mentioned this thread so I thought I'd introduce myself.


I identify as a queer femme, I'm cis, and I live with Autism, Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm in my mid 30s.


I'm currently going through my first termination of long-term therapy and it's not been very easy for me. I'm pretty isolated, so I'd love to find some people who have had similar experiences to mine (I find "normal" people can be quite judgemental). Mental illness has been a part of my life since I was a child and so I get tired of trying to hide it from others. 


I'm really glad I found this forum, everyone seems very helpful and friendly.





Not applicable

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hey @Smittenkitten and welcome!

I'm glad you've found this corner of the forums.

Totally relate to your comments about some people being judgemental. There's something really comforting about connecting with community and other folk who might have walked a similar path. 

I too have lived with mental health concerns for a very long time. These days I don't hide my past (or present). I suppose I am fortunate to have decided to really 'own' all these intersections of being me - it's been so refreshing to normalise all of my experiences and parts. 

Again, welcome and I hope you find support and like-minded folk here.



 Mental illness has been a part of my life since I was a child and so I get tired of trying to hide it from others. 

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

I just watched 'Pray Away' on Netflix 


Disturbing to say the least.


Other states have criminalised this abusive practice but NSW lags behind. NSW has not outlawed gay conversion therapy. Some mates of mine, their son's pal from high school was subjected to this on the Central Coast not that long ago, maybe 5-7 years.......I was raised in an Irish Catholic family and it doesn't matter how liberal a society is, if your own family are homophobic bigots it can really be a head screw on your young mind. 


I also watched 'A Fantastic Women' on case the LGBTQI people out there on the NDIS for your MI disability didn't know, Senator Linda Reynolds voted to endorse an anti-trans bill in parliament recently. Also ScoMo intends for the 'relgious freedom' bill to be passed later in the year, during Covid which will distract people so it will get through without argument. We are still hated by a lot of people in the community and we still need to fight for our rights. Mark Latham has a particular obsession with us.....weird and suss, I know, Corny.

Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hello everyone, 


In case you haven't seen it, linking you into this 🏳️‍🌈 Mardi Gras 🏳️‍🌈 celebration started by the wonderful @Former-Member 

The discussion is happening over here 💖


Happy Mardi Gras! 🌈


Re: LBGTIQA+ Social Space

Hi everyone in the Forums community!


I just wanted to share a survey that I thought some people might be interested in completing. It's with La Trobe University, called The Affirm Study and it involves an online survey that looks at how people feel about their sexual identity. 


Surveys are a great way to feel connected and to support the community!


Check it out here: 


I have tagged a few people that might be interested but feel free to tag others and share the info. @petrichor @eth @RedHorse @Clawde @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @Paperdaisy @Former-Member 


Have a great day!

