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Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

Lots of little changes as well as the big ones due to Covid. @jamesle2015 

Making dental appointment is next on my list!

So many details.

Some things do not matter if you let them go for a few months, but gotta get around to it eventually.


Smiley Happy


Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

Hope the new dentist is good this arvo @jamesle2015 👍 Let us know how it goes 🙂
👋@Appleblossom 🙂

Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@TheVorticon @Appleblossom 

It was an interesting experience...

The dentist asked me if I had any X-rays done before so I said I did and my regular dentist said it was ok. Then she asked me if I brushed my teeth and used floss everyday. She said if I wanted to have another appt they would need the dental records from my regular dentist.



Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@TheVorticon @Appleblossom 

The cleaning was not the same as I experienced with my regular dentist.

I gargles something at the start then I could not gargle until right at the end.

When she did the clean she kept asking me if I was ok and she said 'you're sensitive there' when she noticed I felt a bit uncomfortable sometimes. She kept asking me to turn my head left or to the right.

She was by herself no assistant.


After the first part ..the one with suction and that she got the metal scraper and scraped my teeth for a while. It felt like she was trying to extract something.



Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@TheVorticon @Appleblossom 

Then after that she did dental floss which I thought was strange as my regular dentist never did that.

Then she took the other instrument to apply something to my teeth.

At the end she gave me a mouthgard with some green stuff in it and said to keep in my mouth for 2 minutes.


After that she left the room for a couple of minutes leaving the sliding door slightly open. Two young greyhounds walked into my room then they walked out. I stared at one of them as it stood facing me in the entrance. I didn't mind as they were quiet but I think in other dental practices animals wouldn't be allowed. I had seen them earlier in the waiting area.


She told me I needed another appt in 3 months as my gums were not so good.

But I don't think so.

Then when I went to reception to pay the receptionist asked me if I wanted a consultation she could put me in straight away so I said 'no I have things to do'

it was nearly 4pm.

My private health covered most of it only paid $76 out of pocket.

I got a 'gift bag' with small toothpaste brush and a couple of other things.

I'm not going back there I will find another dentist for next time. 

My regular dentist has been around for long time but not working because of covid risk.

Today's dentist maybe her style not as good and she didn't let me have more gargle.

Well now it's done I don't have to get another appt for a while. I get the feeling they are trying to book extra appts which are not necessary. They got some bad reviews in Google but I went because I only wanted normal cleaning.

I know of one that has really good reviews that is up the road from work and I have to find out more.

Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@Appleblossom do you have a regular dentist?🙂

Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

Hi @jamesle2015, thanks for letting us know how it went. Very strange about the greyhounds! I'd be surprised to see them at the dentist too, and just wandering around.

It's a shame that you didn't like this one as much as your regular one - hopefully they'll reopen soon.

I've had the mouthguard stuff a few times with my old dentist. I don't have a dentist at the moment even though I know it's something I should do. 

Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@TheVorticon not sure if my regular dentist 

will go back to work...he's retirement age and he closed down his place and moved into a group practice...the problem with that

is its not the same as I found out from someone who went to this group practice the main dentist there is over the start of the appt I heard he tried to convince to do more stuff which not necessary and also he touched some paperwork or did something without his gloves on...

so when it's in a group practice things won't be the same as before when he was practising by himself...he is a very popular dentist as he has been around for years and well known in the local community...

so based on what I heard I'm definitely not going to the group practice.....this one I found up the road from work looks good all the Google reviews positive.....looks like there are 2 brothers practising together 

I got Monday public holiday so not working...

Will go out to shopping centre to see what's on sale

Have a good day 


Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

Actually I am umming and ahhing about it at the moment. @jamesle2015 


I had one dentist for 30 years in the city, recommended to me by an old boss.  He was very good and looked after my children's teeth etc. He got old and retired too. Maybe I was spoiled, but since moving out west I have not found i am really happy with.  Yes extra services and goody bags for $75 out of pocket ... we can all add up. I will go back to the one who has current issue covered in xrays and moulds etc ... but they kept changing staff...  it is up to us to check where we put our money and the govt or health fund's money.  Guess thats the free market approach ???


Dogs in dental surgery ... not good.  Hygeine /// eeek



Re: Attachment weirdness, neediness, shame

@Appleblossom  there are a lot of dentists around here as I live near the city....

30 yrs is a long time...good dentist

my case is similar my regular dentist was practising many years

I had a phone appt with my doctor and got a script today but not sure it will help for my condition...the one where I might need surgery ...have to see specialist next month