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Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?


Thank you... I still feel a bit intimidated by the whole thing here, I tend to just read, have posted a few times...

Tonight I'm just so overwhelmed by my anxiety just needed a bit of distraction.

Re: Hello?

Thats ok take things slowly @bean
It can be quite overwhelming but theres no rush but know you can post wherever you like.

Ia there anything that helps your anxiety normally?
Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?

My meds used to keep it mostly in check but I have stopped taking them

Re: Hello?

Ok @bean you can keep chatting here of course but ither things that might help are watching comedians on youtube. I find micky Flanagan and Michael mcintyre funny listening to music and laying down looking for craft ideas.
Its nearly 11am here so not alot to do at this time of night though
Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?


I have tried you tube/ tv / Netflix as a distraction, but lately it just doesn't seem to work, my depression is in full force as well so that doesn't help much when it comes to liking things or epgetting engrossed in something, I have lost all interest in most things


Re: Hello?

Have you got supports for youraelf @bean
It might help to talk to your supports about your decline in mh as well
Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?


No friends or family support, but it's always been like this so I'm used to it.

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?

Gday  @bean    @Jumpingcactus

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?

Senior Contributor

Re: Hello?

Hi @Bill16