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Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , happy belated birthday! I'm so glad it sounds like you had a nice day and that even your time with your parents went well! 

You definitely sounded more positive and I'm glad you had such a laugh with your best friend and her son 🙂



Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @NatureLover


It was a really good day and I enjoyed the reprieve from myself.

Now to deal with the work suspension 


I hope you are going ok? 

Re: I can’t cope


 How Jett decided to chew on his bone! Yea that’s my shoulder 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I always love reading about your babies. They certainly bring us so much joy.

I hope today is a little brighter for you hon.

Sending lots of 💕💕

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve been out and taken the dogs to the markets. They all enjoyed it. @Snowie.


It was a good morning and I got them a few treats from the dog man. 

I saw the HR manager and her kids patted both of the dogs. She never said anything about work so that was nice. 

I need to now fill my afternoon. 

I am really struggling, like really badly but I’m trying to be busy. 


Re: I can’t cope

Well done on getting out to the market this morning @Captain24 

I'm sure the dogs loved it, especially the treats!!


The HR shouldn't discuss work, especially when you are not at work, so that was good to hear.


Happy to keep you company this afternoon hon. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Snowie.


I spent the afternoon doing a Lego kit. It’s been a while since I have done any. Jett wasn’t much help!! 


Re: I can’t cope

ohh sounds fun @Captain24 

What lego were you making?


Did Jett sleep whilst you created?

Re: I can’t cope


Re: I can’t cope

Hey did sleep a little bit he kept climbing on my shoulders or running off with pieces! @Snowie