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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Thank you @ArraDreaming. I hope it was helpful

Re: I can’t cope


Re: I can’t cope

It’s peaceful being home without my babies. No one fighting for my attention. But it is quiet and lonely at the same time. 

I need to just enjoy it while it lasts. 

Re: I can’t cope


Re: I can’t cope

I love having the house to myself @Captain24  of course dog and cats are always here, but they don’t usually make a noise. I had a couple of hours this morning. 

Re: I can’t cope

Oh I feeeeel this @Captain24 


I'm in my 30's and still feel like a 15 y.o most days. I've learned to embrace it! 

Re: I can’t cope

I forget how old I am sometimes too…. Until I stand up and move 

Re: I can’t cope

@Bow truth!


Reminds me of that meme that's like, 'injuries as a kid: Fell off bike, scraped knee; injuries as an adult: Slept weird, neck will never feel the same' 🤣

Re: I can’t cope

Exactly @Jynx 


It’s nice when ya get told you look heaps younger than you actually are. Told I was in my 20s recently 

Re: I can’t cope

You’re just a youngin @Jynx. I’m well into my 40’s


It is quiet @Bow but at least I got both my Lego kits done without trying to stop Jett from taking the pieces. 

Definitely feeling those aches and pains. I sit on the floor at a coffee table to do Lego. It’s sooo hard to get up. 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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