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Re: Winter solstice

@Appleblossom lovely to hear from you Apple. Yes the rollercoaster of life, it can throw us off balance. Hope your son is in a good space and has quality compassionate care. It's hard sometimes when we can't fix things, but we can be there. 

Hope you're finding solace - music and garden?

I started trauma therapy but EMDR is difficult and confronting and triggering. And the old body is letting me down in a few ways. I haven't had the strength of will to push through enough for myself and family but aspire to clarity discernment and capacity. I dipped a toe in metta meditation, it asks immersion - but even the memory of it right now is comforting. Thankyou.

You might not read this for a while but I hope and trust things go well for you.


Re: Winter solstice

Just hugs and hugs @Dimity 


it’s pretty delicate here…. But there are silver linings….


the wooden leg and false eyes don’t help…lol...doing what we can

Re: Winter solstice

@Appleblossom wrote:

Not logged on forum for a while. Access to computer limited. Real life pressures rising. Some of it is good some been a roller coaster. Son going through a lot and was in hospital. Heartbreaking and exhausting but somehow I am still here.


Hope you are OK, @Appleblossom ... 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity wrote:

Hi @NatureLover I'll have to check to see if any more potential helpers have tried to get in touch. The online platform isn't very easy to use and I've been distracted. Feeling churned up by my sister's problems and some misunderstandings on the forums. My sister is very unwell.

Am very sorry to hear, @Dimity . So much trouble for you 😢

My day off last Thursday resulted in double the work yesterday, but it went well thanks. 


Hoping your back and your troubles and the EMDR triggers ease... 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

I'm glad you were able to work yesterday @NatureLover and catch up. Perhaps it's a good thing if it matters whether you're there or not... even if it makes for extra work from time to time. You must be valued.

The rain tonight is soothing. I'm pretty tired after a long but helpful session with my new gp. And the family crisis seems to have eased. Tomorrow I'll be waiting on a couple of referrals and trying to get the house back in order (relatively speaking).

Enjoy your day.

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks for your kind words, @Dimity  🙂

I am so pleased you have a new GP! And that the family crisis has eased 👍


I hope these new referrals help your health situation. 

Re: Winter solstice

Thinking of you @Dimity  and hoping you are coping OK... ❤️

Re: Winter solstice

Thanks @NatureLover . I've been struggling... but am working on several fronts. I have upcoming appts for medical issues - very anxious about finding my way there. I'm trying to ease back into cleaning and decluttering. I'm trying to process the online paperwork to get a new helper. I ventured into the garden - there's a lot to catch up on. I'll have to go to the local library to print a raft of forms to fill in for the specialist. I'm still processing the last EMDR session. I'll try to get back to the forum guidelines and be constructive. It would be nice to get out of the house or talk to someone. 

The week is looking a bit daunting but it's been a while since I could think even a day ahead so I guess that's progress.

Hope your week goes well.

Re: Winter solstice

Oh gosh, @Dimity , I was overwhelmed just reading all your tasks!


Well done for working on them despite struggling...


@Dimity wrote:

I'm trying to process the online paperwork to get a new helper.

Does this mean you've found someone to help?


Good luck with working out the way to your medical appts. I hope they go well 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

@NatureLover I'm trying to get through the advertising and selection processes at the moment.

I had a bad day.