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Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Dimity 

It’s nearly a month since I came onto the forum. Forgot my password. 

Sorry I wasn’t here to respond about your eye surgery but I am glad you had support. How is it going?


I am like you in that I prefer cats and a bit nervous of dogs. Glad you have the company.


Me too… re Reno’s. Did one 30-40 years ago and that’s enough. 

Mostly I have been busy with music and physio and a few Lived Experience things online. Trying to be positive. 



@Shaz51 @Jynx @Patches59 @tyme 

Re: Winter solstice

Nice to have you back @Appleblossom 😍 


Ooh what sort of lived experience thingies you been doing? Sounds neat!


I'm about to log off but feel free to tag me if you'd like to regale us with your recent adventures (or misadventues... but hopefully not!) and I will pop in tomorrow!! 😊💜

Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx Thanks 


All good so far. Probably should be careful re anonymity tho.

Re: Winter solstice

Very true @Appleblossom 😊 You're welcome to share your learnings tho if you like! Can help you consolidate the knowledge 😉 No pressure tho of course, you'd just be sating my curiosity 💜

Re: Winter solstice

Hello @Appleblossom good to see you. Glad you're keeping busy and positive despite the likely rockier patches we all encounter. Hope your son is OK.

Overall my eyesight is only marginally improved so I'll invest in more aids and devices. Now to prepare for unrelated surgery.

I must make more time for music and gardens. And hopefully reading if/when the stars align. 

Take care.

Re: Winter solstice


That’s a lot of challenges … so close together….


sending gentle healing vibes 


You have mattered to me 



Re: Winter solstice

@Appleblossom @Dimity @Jynx @tyme 

Here I am retired and technically have all the time in the world to me yet can’t find enough time some days to get things done.


weather hasn’t been overly inviting to be outside … my garden is becoming a weed patch 🙁

due to couple recent unpleasant events I’ve reduced activities Im involved with outside of home.  

Doing jiggle between getting items ready for group of people to make Christmas card by hand.  This involves, using a machine, cutting out multiple copies of lots of little pieces of paper….. soooo time consuming.  To have break from that am doing slow, tedious job of add additional thermal lining to back of all my drapes.  Trying to keep myself physically and mentally occupied so as to try not to think about strong possibility of cataract removal surgery at some stage this year.  Have to have couple of appointments before will know if surgery is definite and, if so, when.


croquet this morning and then rest of the day is mine today


Hoping everyone is able to stay warm and dry 

Re: Winter solstice

@Patches59 I reckon that's the way to be honestly! People can sometimes fall apart after retirement, when they find themselves without a sense of purpose. My dad was a wreck until he started working again - like, part time at a surfboard shop (which is a far cry from being a solicitor lol) but it made a huge difference!


Wow you've been on a crafting storm! Love it! Do you find it therapeutic or soothing to get lost in the details? Or is it a bit of a pain? 

Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx  Can be a bit of both.  Made one card recently which was a total pain to do. 
another one was fiddly to do.  Became engrossed with it working out colours, where to put things. Worst part is cutting out the different components.  This is one I did which was lots of fun  



worst part with the drapes are they are approx 200cm long.  Currently working on drapes that are on rear glass triple sliding doors….. long, wide and not that light

Re: Winter solstice



this is the current project. Has 18 components that have to be cut, some multiple times.

Tired tonight as have spent periods of time in last 3 days cutting to allow 10 to be made plus lots of different colours and designs for the presents.  
