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Re: Winter solstice


From what I know, the format is to encourage members to create new threads when new things come up in their lives as opposed to having threads that have over 8000 pages. This is to ease navigation, and to invite new members into the conversations.


I'm not sure as yet whether we will be closing long-standing threads.


@tymeI'd wondered about that with the emphasis on the recovery model. But in mental health the recovery model doesn't necessarily mean cure, it can mean acceptance of a longterm or chronic condition and adjustment of lifestyle to fit constrained functionality and finances.  And the SANE community includes seniors who were never given the opportunity of NDIS supports. There'd be some who've experienced the closure and decommissioning of the longterm psychiatric hospitals and being left to fend for themselves in systems designed for short-term crisis interventions and counselling for the worried well, and the closure of publicly funded community services in the expectation that self-managed NDIS-funded private business arrangements will cover all needs. This paradigm shift isn't unique to mental health,  it's occurred in other areas of disability as well. If SANE is making a conscious and calculated attempt to move away from supporting its longterm members, some of whom are seniors, but all of whom cherish the connections they've made, where are they to go? Surely there's room for enduring relationships somewhere in another hub. Have you ever analysed the reasons people give for reaching out to start with? Loneliness and social isolation would be up there with relationship issues and specific MH diagnoses. Daily living is an ongoing challenge for some on so many levels. For others their needs may fluctuate but persist over time. 

I trust you'll take this on board before making irreversible changes.


Re: Winter solstice

Hey @Dimity ,


This is really important feedback. Do you want to copy and paste this feedback into this thread:


We really appreciate you sharing this with us.

Re: Winter solstice

Howdy @NatureLover thanks for your reply. 

Yes I'm safe.

I hope your appt went well.

This afternoon I traipsed to a shopping centre and splurged on clothes and footwear. I think it's my first shopping trip since my 2023 Xmas shopping. It was raining as I got home, yet shafts of sunlight,  and a double rainbow.

I think I needed the stuff but it was atypical and I've been unwell for a while (MH). I had a difficult gp appt yesterday about my routine medical stuff and I have such a backlog of chores I can't function. I'm noticing I'm worrying about things that probably have reasonable explanations eg after 2 attempts I'm still not registered for MyMedicare. I've lost touch with the family, my fault as much as theirs, but I don't know what to say to them after the recent antagonism I received. 

Hopefully I can make a fresh start tomorrow, with the housework at least. I'll need groceries too. I wish I could shake the dark cloud and brain fog.

It will be very upsetting if we lose the continuing forum threads. They sometimes feel like a lifeline.






Re: Winter solstice

@tyme I'm shocked you're even considering closing long running threads! (You said you hadn't decided yet)


My MH is so complicated and complex that I certainly won't be starting a whole lot of new threads, trying to explain my 6 complex MIs in each one. Or even one complex MI. 


I fully support @Dimity with her feedback above. 

Re: Winter solstice

@Dimity I totally agree, the continuing forum threads are a lifeline. 


I'm glad you're safe (hope you still are)


I'm sorry about the brain fog and the depression. 😥 Also being frozen because of your massive backlog. 😥


And your difficult GP appt...more for you to deal with 🫂


Well done for looking after your new clothing needs. Did you manage to order / get groceries today? 


It must be very upsetting to have either absence or antagonism from your family. 


My appt went OK thanks. It was by Telehealth as my psychologist was getting over a cold. 

Re: Winter solstice

Hmm I'm sorry if your appt was just OK @NatureLover when you're needing a bit more of a boost, and some help and encouragement getting back on track. 

I haven't done my grocery shopping yet, and the fridge and pantry are getting low. But I got some chores done. 

How are you sleeping? I remember you're usually an early riser. Tomorrow is the Spring equinox! So hopefully your SAD is easing. I should try to get outside more, and earlier, to help my depression and vit D deficiency. That reminds me, I hope your recent iron infusion is helping too. 

I think I need some tidying magic. It's been a while. 


Re: Winter solstice

Thanks, @Dimity . I'm sleeping terribly, have been since I got sick. I've got a snap appt with my psychiatrist tomorrow, to ask if I can put up my sleeping tablet. 


Not sure yet if iron infusion has kicked in. 


Well done for getting some chores done. 


How are your groceries? 


Wish I could send you some tidying magic ❤



Re: Winter solstice

Oh @NatureLover not sleeping can certainly derail you. I trust your psychiatrist was able to help.

I've shopped for groceries but I'm finding it hard to throw together a good meal or get on top of the housework. I've dabbled in some advocacy on several issues that needed a response but I'm not confident I'm going about it the right way. And the cat's not well. All guaranteed to unsettle me when I'm not the best. I feel queasy after some random things happened when I was out shopping so I'll have to be careful. Definitely NQR. 

I don't know what the answer is. If we both keep moving forward one step at a time, one day at a time, perhaps that's all we can do for now.


Re: Winter solstice

Hi @Dimity , sorry you're struggling so much 😥


Does your cat need the vet? And I gather you're still sick? 


Well done for doing the grocery shopping. Do you have any ingredients you can use for a quick no-effort meal? E.g. an apple with cheese cubes? 


The random things that happened while shopping sound worrying, if you need to be careful. Do you mean the things that happened were NQR, or that you feel NQR yourself? 


Yes, my psychiatrist put up my sleeping tablet on Tuesday, thank goodness. How is your sleep?


We haven't seen a new neighbour yet. 


Sending hugs 🫂 

Re: Winter solstice

Worried about you, @Dimity . I hope you're coping. 


Sending hugs 🫂