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Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx @Dimity   Neighbour who is driving me to and from hospital said something last night that hit a cord, cant work out if he was joking or not.  If was his attempt at humour, he failed.  His comment was ‘straw that broke the camels back’ as the saying goes.


got my hair cut today which was nice.  I’m someone who could sit all day whilst someone brushed or combed my hair.  Had phone conversation with lady from Legacy who I’ve got to know quite well.  Due to part of our chat she has suggested I start writing about the life of a grandfather.  A man who was born late 1880’s, son of farm hands who as a child was taught by the owner of the property that persons colour or speech isn’t important, what’s important is peoples nature and how they treat others.  

Re: Winter solstice

What was the comment in relation to @Patches59 if you are ok to share?


Ohhh I love having my hair played with, I'm with you! If it wasn't so expensive, going to get a professional shampooing would be on my weekly list!


Oh that's lovely, what kind of writing, as in fictional, or to document the life of your grandfather or...?

Re: Winter solstice

@Patches59 , @Jynx 

I think your neighbour was just quoting a quote " the last straw that broke the camels back "

I don't think he meant it as a joke or anything against you my friend xx

Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx   I’m thinking fictional but using things from his life and about him as the base line.  

@Jynx @Shaz51   due to not being able to bend down to remove my shoes and socks I mentioned to him I’ll need help with them.  His reply involved him naming a few females in nearby streets and reasons why. Ie “better to ask XXX as she was a nurse”…. “Xxx would be best as she’s already had her eyes done”.  “Suppose can’t be worse than my wife and her feet”.


all my comment involved was removing my sneakers and anklet socks.

Re: Winter solstice

Oh yikes @Patches59 that's not particularly nice ay. Do you need to deal with this person a lot?

Re: Winter solstice

Don’t need to deal with him much @Jynx 

He and his wife live diagonally opposite me though.

most times he has been pleasant and helpful including offering to buy and install security cameras for me.

has been few times when something has been said that didn’t feel ok, query him and he always says was joking.


due to having cataract surgery one eye at a time I’m not planning on leaving the house much until mid November.

As soon I feel ok to go for short walks, I’m seriously thinking of asking one of the ladies here I know to drive me to and from the hospital next time. Have 3 that immediately come to mind, one has prior arrangements each Wednesday though

Re: Winter solstice

@Patches59 you should be OK with slip-on shoes,  if you're sitting down. 

Good luck for today.

Re: Winter solstice

@Patches59 hmmm yeah he sounds like a 'sometimes food' kinda person hey.


Oh wow yeah that would make it hard to get out and do stuff - you don't realise how important depth perception is until you don't have it! I think getting some extra chauffering would definitely help!


Do you have much to keep you occupied whilst you're stuck home recovering?

Re: Winter solstice

ohhh hugs @Patches59 😍


hello @Dimity , @Jynx , @NatureLover 

Re: Winter solstice

Howdy @Shaz51 how's your hump day going?