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Re: Winter solstice

Ahh beans, I'm so sorry to hear that @Shaz51 what a rough gig! Waiting as well is the worst! Is this one of your kids with ADHD too? Cos then it's double whammy of nasty when it comes to the waiting game! Aww fingers crossed he gets in soon 🤞

Re: Winter solstice

All our  kids have adhd 

S2's daughter turned 1 today @Jynx 

Where S2 works , they have been really good , he has the week off to get ready but feeling he might have a bad week xx 


Re: Winter solstice

@Shaz51 aww happy bday to the tiny lil tyke! You must be a proud grandma 😊


Yeah would probably be hard not to! Aww hope he goes okay with it all - the waiting and the surgery!!


I am heading off soon darlin!! Should say goodnight - congratz again on winning the Scavenger Hunt!! Chat soon 💜😉

Re: Winter solstice

Goodnight @Jynx and thank you my awesome friend 🧡 see you tomorrow 

Re: Winter solstice

Getting hit from all sides is a good description of how things feel @Jynx   Circumstances that led me to being triggered really knocked me.  Everything else has jumped onto the end and keeps growing.


things to support,…. I have no idea.  Being able to talk and not left feeling belittled is a huge help.  Will take all the hugs I can.


safety plan is ok and, not surprisingly, features my 2 cats.  Would definitely be worse off without them and would never do anything to leave them